Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hello folks, we are here! :) we've had trouble connecting to the internet which is why we haven't posted anything. We had a very interesting day at church. :) Mom will hopefully be able to give a more detailed version of our travels and experiences.... and maybe with some pictures. *fingers crossed*
Thanks for your interest in our lives. -Martina


  1. I'm anxious to hear more!! Details and all!:) The youth sang at our service and already there wasn't as big a group! Blessings! Mary ann

  2. I keep looking and was so good getting this little bit. We look forward to more. :) Best wishes to you all as you settle in. Love, Kathy

  3. Anxiously waiting to hear about your first sights, smells and happenings. Our thoughts are with you all a lot! May God's blessings be upon you! Lloyd and Beth
