Sunday, August 30, 2009


David and Perez Tunga

David (pronounced Di-'ot-e) and Perez are the oldest couple in the Kajulu church and live up in the Kabonya area in the beautiful Rift Valley. On Sundays, they start very early in the morning and walk the 2-3 mile mountian trail to get to church on time. It takes them about 2-3 hours and sometime health and weather doesn't permit them getting there at all. Diote was born in 1921 and Perez doesn't know her age. Diote was a typical African boy, growing up in the mountians and following family traditions and cultures. He inherited witchcraft and casting of spells from his grandfather. "The survival of the fittest" was the slogan.

When Diote married his first wife; space was limited in his father's dala (homestead). So he moved out and built a house at the base of the mountian. Hardly anyone lives up futher then they do and their crops are constantly plagued by the baboons living in and among the large rocks. After about 23 years, Diote took another wife, a niece of his first wife. Sometime in the following four years, his first wife died. Altogether, there were seven children. A few died when they were young.

Diote led a very wicked life. He was a fierce leader of a group of cattle thieves. They did their work at night, walking for hours, and sometimes several hours away. No one wanted to meet Diote and his cronies in the night. Approaching a dala, they would cast a spell (medicine) to put the owners in a deep sleep. After waiting a hour they would untie the animals and walk away. (The sleeping people sometimes did not wake up until 9 AM.) The group would walk their loot home and divide it among themselves. Sometimes at night, they were captured by the police who also feared them. They would cast a sleeping spell on the police, steal their guns and hats and leave. The guns and hats were hung on poles along the road for people to laugh at. Diote kept up this lifestyle for almost 20 years. He grew tired of running and fearing for his life. He left his friends and joined some traditional dancers. The reason was in part to make some money, but mostly for the social interaction. Many of Diote's old friends died as a result of their sinful life. Doite was introduced to Christianity and became converted in 1964. He kept searching for fulfillment. In 2000, through a friend named Andrew, Diote and Perez began attending the Christian Believers Fellowship in Aroba, an hour away. Kajulu opened it's doors in 2003 and they joined the fellowship there.

Diote and Perez have become changed people. Because of sinful habits for years, they do struggle with stubborn quirks. Overall, we marvel at God's grace in reaching down in this partially uncivilized culture and saving sinful souls. Do our efforts here as missionaries make a difference? For many; ABSOLUTELY!! It is only for God alone to know how many. We also marvel at how a person reaps what he he reaps MORE than he sows. Diote has lazy, wicked sons, who steal from their parents...especially food. Sometimes Diote and Perez have to go to a church sister's to eat because there is no food left in the house. Pray that the sons can follow their father's footsteps ALL the way. Like most Kenyans, they are religious, but they need more. They need Christ in their hearts to guide their lives. It is the only way.

Everyone in the CBF churches has a story and you will likely hear more on this blog. Thanks for all your comments; we appreciate and enjoy them very much. It's a great encouragement.

Mattie Kauffman


Left to right: Miriam, Daniel, Monica and Martina
front: Myrna and David


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  1. Mattie, your stories are wonderful! You are making these people come to life for us and we are hoping for many more. I still wish to see a Kenyan map with all the different CBF places marked.
    We are having a quiet Sunday afternoon--I suppose you are all sleeping well!!

  2. Praise the Lord for the work that He is doing in Kenya! I thank God for your willingness to be used by Him. May He continue to fill you with peace and wisdom as you sit in those mud huts and listen to the dear people's stories. Somehow that is where I picture your family enjoying yourselves the most.

  3. I so enjoy coming to your blog each week and seeing what is going on in your lives. The stories and then pictures with it make it so alive. Blessings on your week, Vonita

  4. hey myrna,

    How are you doing? I thought of you several times especially since school started. I wonder how you are enjoying Kenya and school? It still seems weird to see the "third-graders", now fourth graders with Ms. Burkholder. Can you tell David that we have prayed for him several times this year already. The students have requested his name and they told me about your blog... it is very interesting!! :) -Miss Rhonda
