Sunday, October 25, 2009

Part 2


Early one morning before the sun arose, the Hillcrest group went out on Lake Victoria for a boat cruise. They were hoping to get a glimpse of the hippos. These creatures come out at night to graze on the land and around dawn slip back into the water. The waters are most often calm in the morning, where as in the evening it's more windy and choppy. Lake Victoria is second largest fresh water lake in the world. The largest is Lake Superior.

(credit is given to Jevon Beachy for these photos)

Some fisherman trying to make a living.

African wildlife and birds are quite interesting and unfamiliar to Americans.

After the group started boating they saw one or two hippos along the way until they spotted this pod of hippos. There must have been 10-15 together. It's an impressive sight to see them in the wild. Locals say hippos can be very dangerous animals if you get between them and the water!

What a baleful stare from this papa hippo! God must have used His imagination to create these massive creatures!

Life goes on rather quickly for us Kauffmans in Kenya. We enjoy interacting with the church people on a social level during the week and also at Sunday services. Today Sam preached on the Sheep and the Good Shepherd. There are MANY children attending. Martina and I teach the English Sunday School classes outside. We have about 20+ children each with Martina teaching the younger and I the older ones. Besides these there are two large Luo classes. Last Sunday three dirty,bedraggled little boys off the street meandered into my class and today they were there again. Words fail me when I think of the opportunity at my fingertips. Pray that seeds can be planted during this short period of time.
The country of Kenya is white to harvest and there are so few laborers.

Sam and Mattie Kauffman
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1 comment:

  1. It was great to hear from you all again. It is wonderful that you all have this opportunity to minister to these dear Africans. It is definitely a life changing experience. Always remember that yao all can do all things through Christ who strengthen you!!!! God's Blessings on your day!!! Jeremy Slabaugh
