Sunday, November 15, 2009

(part one)

Many of you have been requesting pictures of the surroundings of our Kenyan home. This will give you an idea but as you know pictures do not do justice.

The compound has one main gate with a gateman as guard 24/7. Inside the compound are approximately 12 houses along one main gravel street. We missionaries live in seven of these houses. Each house is located inside a mini compound with another gate and a hedge as a wall all around. Most of these houses are similiar duplexes and have servants quarters in the rear. Two of these servants quarters are made into cute apartments with Sarah Esh living in ours and Rosalie Beiler in Tommy Waglers. Tommys share a duplex with us. Ivan Peacheys quarters is the school, Merle Beachys the clothing room, Joseph Hostetlers the storage area for books, supplies, etc. Josephs also have the water purifier where we get our drinking water. Jonathan Martins quarters is a guest house and the Agape headquarters. John and Barbie Glick live in a entirely different style house with no quarters (or servants).

Tommy's gate is to the right and ours the left. All our homes are supplied with a rugged 4-wheel drive Toyota van or cruiser.

A view of the front. These homes are typical tropical one story bungalows. Small lizards run freely but are harmless except to startle a person. I'm thankful there aren't many spiders...maybe the lizards take care of them.

The veranda by the front door. Sam and I are having a Sunday afternoon coffee break. We also enjoy our 6:30 morning devotions here. The temperature is consistantly around 69-72 degrees. We do find the lizards like to hide underneath these wicker chairs.

The left side of the house with very small garden and chicken quarters. We planted sweet corn on Monica's and Daniel's 10-24 birthdays, which is something we never did before. Maybe it will be ripe around New Years day. Maybe......the rains have been coming but the plants do not always mature for what reason...only God knows. On the left side of this picture (not pictured) is the compound shop. All of us, use the tools, and Jevon Beachy and Jason Peachey service the vehicles here.
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1 comment:

  1. You all look so relaxed there, enjoying a quiet Sunday afternoon! It reminds me of Florida, Sam! I suppose if you are there hearing the Kenyan noises and all, the comparison to FL would soon not fit, but the picture with the front view of your house made me think of Elam's place in Fl... I get real flashbacks of being in FL with Elam and Edna sometimes here when I am out in our orchard picking oranges or grapefruit--and I know it's the smell!
    Thanks for sharing...
