Tuesday, July 27, 2010

part one

Most of us remember the day we were baptized, what age we were and the special meaning it had for us. A public expression to serve our risen Saviour. At a young age, we had a great zeal and desire to firmly stand and give God our all.....but not everyone will remain faithful to the end. Will you....? or won't you?

Last Sunday, in this foreign country of Kenya, Daniel and Miriam pledged their hearts to living a Christian life. They missed being baptized with their friends back home, but somehow this special experience on the mission field will be forever imprinted upon their memory. The class of seven was made up of the young and old, ages 13-62. In addition to Daniel and Miriam, there was a married couple, Joseph and Rose Juma, widow Conslata Omoba, Mary Anyongo, and Millicent, daughter of Jennifer Juma.

Bishop Merle Beachy asking the class their questions of committment.

Tom Ogema, the interpreter, Merle Beachy and Sam Kauffman.
It was special for Sam to assist in Daniel's and Miriam's baptism. In 1960, (50 years ago) Sam was baptized in a class of 26 people. It was his father's (Elam Kauffman) first baptism after being ordained bishop. He served as bishop at Weavertown for 20 years.

We even had a few relatives attend this event. Here is Martin Bender with his 4 sons. Chad Stoltzfus, a cousin from PA, was also visiting. The compound youth also attended, namely Kim and Jevon Beachy, Jason, Abigail, Matthias and Rebecca Peachey and Kathryn Hostetler. Later we had them all for lunch at our house.

A view of the audience. Note the lesos (wraps). It was chilly and it even rained which rarely happens mornings. It's the cool time of year since the sun is furtherest north. We felt a pity for our friends wallowing in snowbanks last winter and now again trying to stay cool in the sweltering heat. The temperatures here consistently stay in the 80's with low humidity.

Stay tuned for part two:
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