Sunday, January 2, 2011

Good bye Jevon and Kim
(part 2)

What was Kim's job? Oh my! She was Mama Sue’s right hand helper. Always cleaning, always cooking, always ironing…….babysitting and planning youth activities. We all love her contagious giggle and she has many friends. Kim ran errands and visited people. She is one of the few ladies that braved driving left-hand shift on these horrendous Kenyan roads.

Jevon, like his father, wore many hats. He could do most anything he lay his hands on. He was involved in building church and school structures. He did many Agape food deliveries. He helped in maintaining the vehicles and the compound facilities. There were small carpentry jobs. In a country where quality is poor and things bend, break easily or fall apart, there’s always a list of repairs and improvements. Perhaps one of Jevon's favorite projects was tapping into a mountain spring and piping the water into a holding tank down below. This made good, clean water accessible to natives (and not only baboons). He also kept things quite interesting with many a compound prank. Jevon was a good leader for the compound youth. He will be missed in the youth volley ball games.

The current youth group in Kisumu. Girls-left to right- Kim Beachy, Kathryn Hostetler, Abigail Peachey, Rosalie Beiler, Monica Kauffman, Martina Kauffman
Boys-left to right- Matthias Peachey, Jason Peachey, Jevon Beachy, Daniel Kauffman

Lord willing, January 3rd will find the family flying back to their former home. Boots, the dog, is now old, half blind and decrepit. He has protected the family well, but will be going the way of all old dogs. The compound will miss him but hardly the natives. Boots never did accept anyone with black skin.

Since the board is still working on a replacement bishop, Merle and Sue will return in 6 weeks and stay on a few months until final plans can be arranged. Merles have invested much time and energy into these people of Kenya. It tugs at their hearts to leave their brothers and sisters in the Lord behind.

Pray for the work here that it can continue in a courageous way even though the leader the people have known so well has gone. Pray that the native pastors can remain strong and lean on God and His word. Pray that since God’s Word is spreading that willing workers can be found to go on the field.

Mattie Kauffman
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