Monday, September 28, 2009

Perez Nyagol is a dear older lady in her early 60's who has been coming to the Kajulu church for most of this year. She has been attending the instruction class faithfully but suddenly didn't show up anymore. We decided to visit her mud hut in the flatlands and found that she had been quite ill. She is very thin and frail and has little or no income. She depends on the neighbors for most of her food. We could tell by her house that once upon a time life was much better. Her husband, deceased for 10 years, had a good office job, but suddenly became ill and died. Their seven children have all died except one and she hasn't heard from her for 3 years. It's a sad story but Perez has peace. She says that when there are times she is so hungry, she thinks of a portion of scripture and her physical and spiritual hunger pangs disappear. She has a keen sense of humor and a very likable personality. She can neither read or write. Even though we can't speak the Luo language (yet), she would like if the girls and I would visit her occasionally and read the Bible to her. Yes, we can read Luo, but it would be a bit like the Ethiopian....understandest thou what thou readest? At least she would.

The churches here have a policy that if you attend faithfully for half a year or so and are interested in joining the fellowship, you are eligable to exchange your clothing for the CBF (Christian Believers Fellowship) clothing. This is a real highlight for these ladies to be able to dress like the rest of the church sisters. Since Perez walks 2 hours one way to get to church and with her still weaked condition, I asked her if we could visit her home to exchange the dresses. She was more than delighted! Pamela, wife of Tom Ogema and a good friend, accompanied Martina and me and did the interpreting.

Before the change, with Perez and Pamela

Perez testifying to her neighbors. They were very impressed and wanted to be included in the picture. Perez says now she not only IS different since she was saved but she also wants to LOOK different. These people sometimes put us to shame with their eagerness to share the saving power of Jesus. They do not want to have one stitch of worldliness in their appearance. Oh, they are not all the same. Like in America, if a mother has pride in her heart, it comes out in the way she dresses her children. But unlike America, most are ignorant in the ways of modesty and simplicity and are very teachable. Worldliness occurs anywhere but mostly in affluent communities. One lady, in her testimony yesterday in church, related how happy she is to be and look like a Christian. She said you cannot hide behind your clothes, but what is in your heart WILL come out! She said in order to be sucessful in our Christian walk, we need to be submissive to God and the authority He has set over us. We were impressed she knew so much for being a new Christian. How we 'knowledgeable' Christians can try to explain things away!

Perez and her neighbors in front of her humble home.

The neighbor herding his cows to pasture. Perez told us she had one cow and would send her with a nephew's herd of about 20 or so to pasture every morning. The children, who were supposed to watch them, got to goofing around and playing. Suddenly the cows were nowhere around to be seen. This happened about a month ago and they have not been seen since. One man said since she lives close to a slaughter house, they very likely had been killed early in the morning and their hides and heads buried. Things like this are happening. She probably will never see hide or hair of them again, but only God knows. Maybe someday her cow will return.

A group of 8 from Hillcrest will be arriving this coming Thursday and staying a week in Kisumu and a week in Nakuru. Omar and Elsie Miller had planned to come but his mother passed away in Kansas. In place it will be Leonard and Caroline Mast. Next Monday, we plan to take the group up to the mountians for a tour and dinner at someone's house.

Rosalie Beiler is excited about a trip home to PA on Wednesday. She will be attending a sister's wedding and will be gone 3 weeks. Martina will be substituting in the classroom.

Mattie Kauffman
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mattie, for the time you put into posting. I`ve been blessed just now by reading this post. We can so quickly get focused on the earthly things around us,but the story of this dear lady was refreshing.luv you, and God bless.
