Monday, July 20, 2009

part 2

The casket with Pastor Eric walking in front. The green bowl on the casket was for the people filing by to put in their offering. Later Pastor Eric poured the money into Jackie's leso ( a small cotton blanket ladies use for various reasons), tied it up in a knot and gave it to her.

When the body was carried out to be buried behind the house, the church ladies made up 2 lines and the casket was carried in between on the way out. Half of the the palbearers jumped into the hole and slid the casket into place.

Native pastors delivering the graveside service. When the first dirt clods hit the coffin, 2 women began wailing again, but they were soon removed into a nearby house. The Rhabour ladies chior sang in beautiful 4 part harmony.

After the funeral; a tot eating his millet and broth. African mothers try to teach their children to eat with their hands instead of eating out of the bowl. American mothers try to teach them to eat with a spoon instead of their hands. Interesting! :)

Mattie Kauffman
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  1. Am I right that this funeral was another first for you? Thanks for sharing it with us. We also had a funeral this week. Thankful that we don't have to wail like those who have no hope. Love and prayers, Kathy

  2. I keep reading all about you life and think of you often. We were sitting on the porch last eve and thought of you last eve. here with us God bless you. Praying for you Miriam King

  3. Mattie Francis was over to see the blog and looking at the pictures. She later came with a note to post on your site and this is what she wrote: To Mattie and all of you over there in that far away place. That all looks so different from here in good old Lancaster Co. Yes enjoy seeing where you all live, as Miriam showed me the pictures, now I can think of you all so much better. Now you all take care, do your work and hurry back! We wish you all the best and God's richest blessing! Love and prayers, Paul and Francis
