Saturday, July 4, 2009

Part 2

Listening to the native man's testimony. The house frame behind us we will help in the mudding in about 2 weeks. It's seems every people group has it's own skill in some way or form. This frame was done with branches, twigs and bamboo strips and well grounded into the clay soil. It wasn't much but it was well done.

David and Myrna looking for the primative 'toilet'. They all just have a hole in the ground and sometimes no door. You also have to provide your own paperwork.

As poor as these people were, they still had to practice their hospitality. This is Pamela, Terry, Jennifer and Judith, all sisters at Kajulu, enjoying the usual 'nyoyo (a bean and field corn mix) and chai'.

A rock formation in Sammi Valley.

We have adjusted quite well to the 7 hour time change and are currently steeped in language classes. It's a challenge to say the least. For Sam, a BIG one, for myself, mediocre, and for the children a small hurdle. It's seem the older a person gets the slower the brain churns or maybe churns slower because of the greater content, who knows?! The locals love if we try to speak in our limited way. They don't seem to mind the blubbering and are most willing to help. It makes for laughter which helps build relationships.

We also enjoy compound life and staff interaction, especially with the Glen Helmuth family, whom we are replacing. We look forward to the return of Merle Beachys and Ivan Peacheys, who are on furlough. We also know Glens will be leaving soon after that and that makes us sad. Even though it seems ourprops are gone, we know the Lord will help us.

By the way, we alway enjoy feed back from our readers. The picures are credited to Martina, our daughter photographer and I enjoy the blogging. You will likely see as many pictures as words. Thanks to those who take time to comment. It's a great encouragement.

Mattie Kauffman

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  1. Pictures and blogging are both enjoyed. Wow, 2 in one day. Glad to hear that you are adjusted to the time change. Hope the language keeps on making more sense. Love and prayers, Kathy

  2. Thanks for the time you're putting into this blog... the pictures and blogging are great. It almost makes us feel like we are there. We're praying for you. Merv and Ina

  3. Thanks for keeping us posted. We`ve all been really enjoying the stories and pictures.[the children check for new posts daily!]It is a blessing to hear about God`s work in far away Africa. God bless you all. We`ll keep praying for you as you adjust and learn the language.Love Dwight and Rachel
