Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pictures of Bible Study at a native's home

I'm going to try something a little differently.... i'm putting a link on here of a bunch of pictures that we took on the way to and at Bible Study yesterday afternoon. I'd like to have some feedback. Do you enjoy this way with more pictures our would you prefer more writing on the blog with 3-4 pictures? or maybe some of both? Enjoy the pictures and let me know what you're thinking :)
- Martina


  1. I enjoyed the many pictures but missed your comments on the pictures. Tell David I liked the one of him with the little kid. Glad if he can enjoy the animals there too. Love and prayers, Kathy

  2. i love lots of pics of anything and everything. the pics of you girls w/ your scarf things were really cute, i have one of those things from my aunt Lill that alvin got when he was in Kenya. But i don't know how to wear it so u guys need to teach me :)

  3. Depends how many pictures you want to post at once. Do enjoy pictures and comments together the most :)

  4. Hello to the Kauffman Family! It's been great reading your blog and I enjoy the pics and comments immensely. Keep them commin'! It makes you seem not so far away to be hearing from you so often. May God continue to bless your family as you minister to the African people. Thinking of you, Jewel Nolt

  5. I like the pile of pictures, but I also like the posts that have comments with them. In answer to your question I would say some of each. It looks like you all are having a good time. Blessings as you continue adjusting. I want to come visit sometime. -Lavelle

  6. You know what,it really doesn't matter either way although its great to read your comments with the pictures. Blessings as you serve Him. Jeremy
