Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lake Victoria on Sunday evening...

We youth decided to take supper/snack to the lake at 5:45 to watch the sunset.
here we are enjoying our snack of popcorn, bread with peanut butter and nutella (a luxury) :), fanta, and coke.
Left to Right: Daniel, Galen Helmuth, Melody Helmuth, Miriam, Monica, and me behind the camera :)

Monica and I

the sunset that evening... it was windy and almost chilly.

and a group picture :) i set the camera on a brick ledge and put it on self timer. We had a great time there... we think we saw some hippos but we're not sure... hopefully sometime we'll see one when it's out of water. But we've been told that they can be very dangerous if you get in between them and water.

- Martina
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  1. Hey it sure looks like u all r having a great time, Keep up the good work of keeping us posted....God's Blessing on u all..

  2. What a beautiful setting! Looks like it was a bit breezy. Stay clear from the hippos. Love~ Mim

  3. Thanks for the great job in pictures and comments. It makes it so "real" to us back home. Keep up the good work. Love to you all, Elmer & Anna

  4. aww looks like so much fun. the sunset is goreous and i love the pic of you and monica!!!
